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Our Message


Simply we are taking a stand and saying no more! Because of racial bias in the criminal justice system as a whole, Alchemy Social Equity SPC in its function as a Social Benefits Corporation and in line with our mission is dedicated to correcting those wrongs by providing opportunity to areas where formerly they did not exist. We will accomplish this task through our vision. We promote the right of every individual regardless of race to succeed in the Cannabis industry, we just believe that success must be proportional. 50% of the cannabis entrepreneurs should be women and 40% should be persons of color and non-white.


FREE-Green is the first grow facility committed to employing people from within the community who were most affected by cannabis offenses (people of color and women), marginalized people, and formerly incarcerated adults. Simply, we are taking a stand and saying no more to racial bias in the criminal justice system as a whole.

Our Mission

At FREE-Green, LLC, we believe that everyone deserves a second chance. That’s why we’re creating the first-of-its-kind cannabis grow facility and offer living wages to marginalized communities and the formerly incarcerated who have been most impacted by the War on Drugs. Revenue generated from our operations will go towards programming and the communities we serve.

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

Alexander Hamilton

Dylan Hood, the founder of FREE-Green, had an epiphany: Human beings make mistakes and most people who make mistakes deserve a second chance. Researching the concept of second chances and how they manifest in different ways, Hood became acutely aware of the millions of people who have made mistakes that resulted in incarceration. Many of these men and women were not given second chances but instead found themselves defined by their mistakes and trapped in the criminal justice system.

​A startling 40% of formerly incarcerated individuals return to prison within three years and never see a second chance. Furthermore, the largest population returning to jail and prison are the minority groups within the United States, black and brown people. Many of the incarcerated come from impoverished and disenfranchised communities with no social support systems in place. This problem needed a long-term solution. Hood traveled all over the world researching the correctional systems that fail, including the United States, and correctional solutions that seem to succeed. After countless hours of interviews and research, Hood saw that reentry is a complex problem with many moving pieces.

He wanted to empower impoverished communities to start businesses and become self-reliant, driven by goals and freedom. Hood, wanted an easy and successful way for formerly incarcerated individuals to reenter into their communities, so he created FREE-Green. ​​

Public Policy Statement

My mother was a social worker for more than 30 years. It is she who has shaped and guided my feminist and multicultural principles. I dedicated my life to social services because of my background. As a social worker, scholar, entrepreneur, and policy enthusiast, I am committed to diversity and social justice. I strive to attend to issues of power, privilege, and oppression in all areas of my life.

As a result, I am committed to these principles:

  • Ongoing self-examination, including vigilance regarding power dynamics and the assumptions and values underlying our views, goals, and commitments.
  • Sharing power, including transparency about power differences, engaging in collaborative processes when appropriate, and fostering the power of marginalized individuals and groups.
  • Amplifying and attending to the voices and experiences of groups and individuals with relatively less power.
  • Consciousness is raised by attending to how individual or group difficulties may be shaped by political, societal, institutional, interpersonal, and other contextual power dynamics.
  • Focusing on people’s strengths and engaging these strengths to address challenges, including working toward social change.
  • Promote self-determination with program partners and co-workers we work with by developing tools that are informed by the needs and experiences of the constituent communities.