Having founded Freedom House Reentry Education and Employment Corporation (FREE) in 2013 and self-funding the organization for four years until I ran out of money, I decided there had to be a more sustainable way of providing financial support and necessary programming to communities and populations most in need.
I was watching a documentary on HBO or Hulu that showed a group of white men in Colorado who were becoming very rich from growing and selling cannabis.
Knowing what I know about the disparity around race within the criminal justice system and how many black and brown individuals were imprisoned for doing exactly what these Colorado entrepreneurs were doing, I became angry at the injustice of it all and decided a new approach was necessary.
I decided to create a cannabis company that was made up of and run by marginalized or underserved groups and individuals: Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), women, and members of the LGBTQ communities.
This company would be located in areas deemed lower income and we would train and hire formerly incarcerated individuals to not only work in our facilities, but we would also offer opportunities for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
Thus began our journey into the Cannabis industry.
Creating a cannabis company is hard, especially when you have limited funds and are constantly running out of money, which as a self-funder happens frequently.
After spending hundreds of thousands (mostly legal) to create the correct corporate structure that would eventually allow for funding, we had to identify a team with the necessary credentials and skill sets for a successful company.
Next, we had to find the right location and the right licensing structure. We had to determine what we were going to cultivate, and manufacture and to whom we were going to sell our product (our marketing strategy).
Finally, we needed to determine exactly how much money we would need to accomplish this task and how we were going to raise it (investors).
I once heard a quote “Doing big shit takes big time.” I would like to think that we have prepared ourselves well and that now is our time.
Welcome to #cannabiswithpurpose